Thursday, December 2, 2010

SDI Personality and Motivation - #8

My SDI type is red/blue.  One way that my SDI motivation type expresses when I am in class, is when we are working in groups, since I am a mixture between the red type and the blue type, I am always concerned about getting the work done and I enjoy leading but I am also always worried about others feelings and opinions towards my ways.  One way that my SDI motivation type expresses when I am with my friends, is when we are having a group discussion of when we are trying to make a decision, I care about what everyone's opinions are aimed for, but I do not care enough that I take a long time to make the decision.  I like to make the decision quickly and I like to have a strong input but I am always open for ideas and I like making sure that everyone is pleased.  One way that my SDI motivation type expresses when I am at home, is when we are at the dinner table and we are debating about something, my whole family has very different opinions on things and therefore I try to make my point, but at the same time I do not want anyone to disagree with me so I stay in the middle and try to keep everyone happy.  I can use my personality strengths in high school because I am a fairly easy person to get along with and I like to give everyone an equal chance to gain my respect, but at the same time I like to get my point across and I do not want to be known as a pushover.  Most people will respect my ways that I follow and if they don't I will not be too bothered.  Sometimes I do overdue my personality and I either drift too far over to the blue side or I drift too far over to the red side.  If I drift over to the blue side, then I start to act as a pushover and never get anything accomplished because I am too worried about others feelings, but then again if I drift too far over to the red side then I start to act like a control freak and I want everything to go my way.  A career that will match my SDI would be something to do with team work and time limited because those are two things that I do extremely well and that I enjoy doing.  I think that something like a pediatrician which is one of my dream jobs would be a great career to match with my SDI because it involves team work and team decisions and most of it has to be completed in a certain amount of time and there must be lots of focus, skill and concentration involved.

Learning Skills - #7

My strongest learning skills are responsibility, collaboration and organization.  I use those strengths in school by taking initiative and always finishing my work on time.  I also use those strengths in school by making goals and following steps to achieve them, managing my time to make sure I attend my sports and to make sure that I finish my homework and finally, I use those strengths in my school life by taking responsibility for my own actions and behaviours.  I use my top strengths outside of school to manage my time to make sure that I spend it with friends, family and sports.  I have an extremely busy schedule so it is very important that my organization skills and responsibility skills are very high, because if they weren't then my life would be a lot more stress filled and a lot less enjoyable.  I also use my strengths outside of school to help my team mates work together to complete tasks on win the game.  I use my collaboration skills to make sure that I am always supportive for them and to make sure that I show respect to them along with my coaches.  Some skills that I want to further develop would be my self-regulation skills, my independent work skills and my initiative.  Three ideas of things that I could further do to develop those skills would be to make more realistic and achievable for myself in and out of school, work on seeking new opportunities to learn and finally, use instructions and time more effectively.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Career Cruising- #6

I am surprised that I got several teacher and education jobs because I have teaching and counselling has never been in any of my ideas for a future job that I may pursue and also because I cannot see myself excelling in any sort of job like that.  I am also very surprised that I got allot of criminal and law results because again I have just never pictured myself being very into that or thriving to exceed in something like that.  I am interested in peoples feelings and their well being which would lead me to results like a councillor and a teacher but I am very good at persuading and compromising which may have lead my results to be faced towards law and government.  The occupation results that surprised me the least were results like fashion designer, athletic therapist and interior decorator because they have all been possible options and careers that I would truly enjoy doing.  I am not surprised because most of my favourite things are to do with sports, fashion and designing and all of those jobs are based around them.  Some interests that I have that may have generated them are sports, people’s feelings, medical assistance, fashion, modeling, houses and interior designing and decorating.  Some of the occupation choices that match the skills that I have now are professional athlete, fashion designer, interior decorator, lawyer and website designer.  And the skilled that are needed for those jobs to be considered are athleticism, good fashion taste, interest and skill is designing and decorating homes, being a good debater and persuader, being good with computers and finally, having an artistic touch. 

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Learning Styles- #4

My best learning style is auditory learning, which is learning by hearing and listening.  The traditional classroom was constructed around the auditory learner.  People like me who have auditory strengths are good at listening and following instructions. We think in a linear fashion and are skilled at remembering details. We rarely have difficulty learning to read using phonics and other traditional step-by-step instructions; however, we will also benefit from the hands-on and movement oriented activities that appeal to kinesthetic-tactile and visual-spatial learners.  Some activities that we, as auditory learners learn best in are classroom surroundings and group work.  We like to discuss as a group and talk about all of the possible options, we learn by hearing and understanding rather then doing things hands on.  My weakest learning style is visual learning.  That is my weakest because I like to her things and discuss things rather than actually do them.  Activities that are difficult for me are being given textbook work or having to do projects on my own because for me to learn at the best I can, I need to have someone explain it to me so that I can listen and comprehend it rather then read it own my own and then do it.  I do not believe that one learning style is necessarily better than the other one, but more so that some schools favor one or the other so therefore you should attend the one that is best suited for you.  I do not agree that one learning style will bring more success in the work life than the other, they will both lead people to success but in different ways, if you want to be successful in the learning style that best fits you then you should adapt to that learning style and make changes and decisions based on it.  

Essential Skills Self Assessment- #5

My five highest ranked essential skills are writing, use of documents, use of computers, oral communication and job task planning.  My 5 weakest essential skills are data analysis, measurement and calculation, numerical estimation, problem solving and finding information.  One of the careers I may think of pursuing is a fashion designer, some of my top ranked essential skills that are also needed to be a fashion designer are use of documents, use of computers, oral communication and job task planning.  They are needed because you have to be able to design labels and signs to promote your business, you have to be able to use computers to design things and communicate with customers, you have to be able to be pursuasive and make good arguements of why people should chose your business to complete their work, you have to be sociable and polite and you also have to be able to plan your tasks and work that has to be done so that you never run out of time to finish anything.  Some of my weakest ranked essential skills that are needed to be a fashion designer are measurement and calculation, numerical estimation and problem solving, they are all needed because you have to work out the measurements and sizes of the models that you are designer clothes for, you have to be able to estimate the costs and amount of supplies that you will need and if you run into any problems and they have to be in my a certain time then you have to come up with another solution to get the work finished.  I think the skills that will highlight the most when I am writing my resume letter later in tis course will be writing, use of computers, oral communication and job task planning.

My Multiple Intelligences- #3

My top three multiple intelligences are Interpersonal, Kinesthetic and Visual/Spatial.  One learning activity that I have been encountered with for kinesthetic multiple intelligences is playing a variety of group games and doing different group challenges in gym class.  We have done several fun and interesting activities throughout the semester in gym class like stretching, and games like Simon says and duck, duck goose which are all examples of kinesthetic multiple intelligence activities.  Three examples of careers that include kinesthetic multiple intelligences are a dancer, a builder or an actor because they all involve using your hands to create things and staying in motion.  One learning activity that shows examples of visual/spatial multiple intelligences is art class.  In art class there is several paintings, drawing and designing's that you must accomplish and they all show examples of visual and spatial multiple intelligences.  Three possible career choices for a visual/spatial learner are an architect, an artist or an engineer; they are all possibilities because they involve designing things and working to put things together.  And finally, a learning activity for my top multiple intelligence, interpersonal, is drama class. Drama class is an example of interpersonal intelligence because you have to do different role-plays and group discussions, which is one of the main characteristics in this intelligence.  Three examples of careers for someone with an interpersonal intelligence are a councilor, a school principle, and a social worker because they all have to do with meeting new people, counseling others, and are sensitive to others moods.  My weakest multiple intelligence was logical/mathematical, one thing that I could do to improve that would be to focus more on my math and sciences because that is where I struggle in school, and with focusing on those, it would lead me to become stronger with numbers, making calculations and applying new information into existing equations.  In my opinion, I believe that people are born with having particular strengths in some intelligences and with having some weaknesses in other intelligences.  I believe that yes, they grow on you throughout your lifetime and you may gain some and lose some due to your opinions and strengths on some things, but in the big picture I think that you are born with them because if you were not born with them then some people would have none and some people would have many.  I believe that most of the schools focus too much on children becoming more familiar with the verbal/linguistic multiple intelligences because they always make us learn things out of the textbook and we rarely do things that involve hands on activities and I think that they should focus more on kinesthetic and interpersonal intelligences so that school would become much more interesting and more fun as appose to the way it is now.  I think that they focus on that because they want us to be able to learn from books, listen to instructions, listen to what is being taught and remember the things we learn, and I do believe that we should be able to do all of those things, except I think that we should focus on more of a variety of intelligences instead of just the basic ones.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Exploring My Personal Values- #2

To me, values mean standards or ideas which most people have about the worth of good qualities such as kindness, freedom, mercy, respect, and love. There are moral and social values; your values are your compass.  My top five values are leadership, family, honesty, health and knowledge.  Leadership is one of my top values because I really treasure it in myself and in others.  I treasure leadership because not only do I think that it is a very important quality to have, but I also believe that it will take you very far in life.  I believe that it will get you many job opportunities and it will lead you to make several friends and people that will respect you.  Family is one of my personal values because I believe family is the key to everything, they will stick by you no matter what, they will never judge you in ways that others do and they mean the world to me.  In my opinion, honesty is one of my key values in life because nobody enjoys to be around a liar.  If you are always honest and tell people the truth even if it is bad, they will respect that more than if you were to hide things and pretend that everything was fine.  Health is another one of my personal values because I play several different sports, and I think that it is always very important to stay fit and exercise as often as possible so that you don't get lazy.  It is really important to get all of your nutrition and water that you need to keep and maintain a healthy body and if you do, it will lead you to a longer and more fit life along with a feeling stronger and better about your body shape.  Finally, I also take knowledge as one of my values because it is always good to know about things before you actually follow through with them.  Having knowledge will lead you to be better in school and outside of school because knowledge is the key to everything.  Not everyone is born to be smart except if you practice and teach yourself about different topics then you will gain lots of knowledge, which will lead you where you want to go.  Therefore those are the top five of my personal values.