Sunday, November 28, 2010

Essential Skills Self Assessment- #5

My five highest ranked essential skills are writing, use of documents, use of computers, oral communication and job task planning.  My 5 weakest essential skills are data analysis, measurement and calculation, numerical estimation, problem solving and finding information.  One of the careers I may think of pursuing is a fashion designer, some of my top ranked essential skills that are also needed to be a fashion designer are use of documents, use of computers, oral communication and job task planning.  They are needed because you have to be able to design labels and signs to promote your business, you have to be able to use computers to design things and communicate with customers, you have to be able to be pursuasive and make good arguements of why people should chose your business to complete their work, you have to be sociable and polite and you also have to be able to plan your tasks and work that has to be done so that you never run out of time to finish anything.  Some of my weakest ranked essential skills that are needed to be a fashion designer are measurement and calculation, numerical estimation and problem solving, they are all needed because you have to work out the measurements and sizes of the models that you are designer clothes for, you have to be able to estimate the costs and amount of supplies that you will need and if you run into any problems and they have to be in my a certain time then you have to come up with another solution to get the work finished.  I think the skills that will highlight the most when I am writing my resume letter later in tis course will be writing, use of computers, oral communication and job task planning.

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