Sunday, November 28, 2010

My Multiple Intelligences- #3

My top three multiple intelligences are Interpersonal, Kinesthetic and Visual/Spatial.  One learning activity that I have been encountered with for kinesthetic multiple intelligences is playing a variety of group games and doing different group challenges in gym class.  We have done several fun and interesting activities throughout the semester in gym class like stretching, and games like Simon says and duck, duck goose which are all examples of kinesthetic multiple intelligence activities.  Three examples of careers that include kinesthetic multiple intelligences are a dancer, a builder or an actor because they all involve using your hands to create things and staying in motion.  One learning activity that shows examples of visual/spatial multiple intelligences is art class.  In art class there is several paintings, drawing and designing's that you must accomplish and they all show examples of visual and spatial multiple intelligences.  Three possible career choices for a visual/spatial learner are an architect, an artist or an engineer; they are all possibilities because they involve designing things and working to put things together.  And finally, a learning activity for my top multiple intelligence, interpersonal, is drama class. Drama class is an example of interpersonal intelligence because you have to do different role-plays and group discussions, which is one of the main characteristics in this intelligence.  Three examples of careers for someone with an interpersonal intelligence are a councilor, a school principle, and a social worker because they all have to do with meeting new people, counseling others, and are sensitive to others moods.  My weakest multiple intelligence was logical/mathematical, one thing that I could do to improve that would be to focus more on my math and sciences because that is where I struggle in school, and with focusing on those, it would lead me to become stronger with numbers, making calculations and applying new information into existing equations.  In my opinion, I believe that people are born with having particular strengths in some intelligences and with having some weaknesses in other intelligences.  I believe that yes, they grow on you throughout your lifetime and you may gain some and lose some due to your opinions and strengths on some things, but in the big picture I think that you are born with them because if you were not born with them then some people would have none and some people would have many.  I believe that most of the schools focus too much on children becoming more familiar with the verbal/linguistic multiple intelligences because they always make us learn things out of the textbook and we rarely do things that involve hands on activities and I think that they should focus more on kinesthetic and interpersonal intelligences so that school would become much more interesting and more fun as appose to the way it is now.  I think that they focus on that because they want us to be able to learn from books, listen to instructions, listen to what is being taught and remember the things we learn, and I do believe that we should be able to do all of those things, except I think that we should focus on more of a variety of intelligences instead of just the basic ones.

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