Thursday, December 2, 2010

SDI Personality and Motivation - #8

My SDI type is red/blue.  One way that my SDI motivation type expresses when I am in class, is when we are working in groups, since I am a mixture between the red type and the blue type, I am always concerned about getting the work done and I enjoy leading but I am also always worried about others feelings and opinions towards my ways.  One way that my SDI motivation type expresses when I am with my friends, is when we are having a group discussion of when we are trying to make a decision, I care about what everyone's opinions are aimed for, but I do not care enough that I take a long time to make the decision.  I like to make the decision quickly and I like to have a strong input but I am always open for ideas and I like making sure that everyone is pleased.  One way that my SDI motivation type expresses when I am at home, is when we are at the dinner table and we are debating about something, my whole family has very different opinions on things and therefore I try to make my point, but at the same time I do not want anyone to disagree with me so I stay in the middle and try to keep everyone happy.  I can use my personality strengths in high school because I am a fairly easy person to get along with and I like to give everyone an equal chance to gain my respect, but at the same time I like to get my point across and I do not want to be known as a pushover.  Most people will respect my ways that I follow and if they don't I will not be too bothered.  Sometimes I do overdue my personality and I either drift too far over to the blue side or I drift too far over to the red side.  If I drift over to the blue side, then I start to act as a pushover and never get anything accomplished because I am too worried about others feelings, but then again if I drift too far over to the red side then I start to act like a control freak and I want everything to go my way.  A career that will match my SDI would be something to do with team work and time limited because those are two things that I do extremely well and that I enjoy doing.  I think that something like a pediatrician which is one of my dream jobs would be a great career to match with my SDI because it involves team work and team decisions and most of it has to be completed in a certain amount of time and there must be lots of focus, skill and concentration involved.


  1. Your mark is based on four catagories and you are given a level for that category.
    Completeness of Blog (all entries present) -4
    Quality of Self-Reflection - 4
    Communication (sentence structure, clearness etc) – 4+
    Application (Ability to apply course content to your life) - 4

    Love the pictures!


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