Friday, November 19, 2010

My Future Options - #1

I have many different options and ideas of what I would like to be when I am older.  One of the jobs that I would really enjoy being is a Pediatrician or something on the lines of helping people to become healthy and in specific, helping children.  I believe that a Pediatrician would be a good option for me because ever since I was little, I have always wanted to be one.  I love to work with children and one of my main goals in life is to help others to reach their fullest potential.  Not only, do I want to work and help children to become healthy and strong, but one of my dreams has always been to work in Sick Children’s Hospital in Toronto Ontario.  I feel strongly about working there because I have a very ill friend who is often hospitalized, and when she is, she is put into sick children's hospital.  They treat her like royalty and adapt to any of the things she may need.  So therefore I would like to work there because it is an amazing hospital that is very well known and because in my future, I would like to help save people like her.  I do not know very much about what it takes to become a pediatrician, except I do know that it takes a lot of hard work and schooling.  If I would like to further take on this task, I will have to be put into different science classes and focus on them.  I will have to get into a university for medical and sciences and will have to excel in that.  It takes schooling for around 7 to 8 years and then it will take lots of training, helping and assisting after the university credit is complete.  I do not expect it to be an easy or short road, but nothing usually is and if it is something that I could really see myself doing and something that I would really enjoy to do, then I won't hold back.  I will try my best to so what it takes to become a pediatrician because it is my dream and one of my major goals in life. 

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