Sunday, November 28, 2010

Learning Styles- #4

My best learning style is auditory learning, which is learning by hearing and listening.  The traditional classroom was constructed around the auditory learner.  People like me who have auditory strengths are good at listening and following instructions. We think in a linear fashion and are skilled at remembering details. We rarely have difficulty learning to read using phonics and other traditional step-by-step instructions; however, we will also benefit from the hands-on and movement oriented activities that appeal to kinesthetic-tactile and visual-spatial learners.  Some activities that we, as auditory learners learn best in are classroom surroundings and group work.  We like to discuss as a group and talk about all of the possible options, we learn by hearing and understanding rather then doing things hands on.  My weakest learning style is visual learning.  That is my weakest because I like to her things and discuss things rather than actually do them.  Activities that are difficult for me are being given textbook work or having to do projects on my own because for me to learn at the best I can, I need to have someone explain it to me so that I can listen and comprehend it rather then read it own my own and then do it.  I do not believe that one learning style is necessarily better than the other one, but more so that some schools favor one or the other so therefore you should attend the one that is best suited for you.  I do not agree that one learning style will bring more success in the work life than the other, they will both lead people to success but in different ways, if you want to be successful in the learning style that best fits you then you should adapt to that learning style and make changes and decisions based on it.  

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