Monday, November 29, 2010

Career Cruising- #6

I am surprised that I got several teacher and education jobs because I have teaching and counselling has never been in any of my ideas for a future job that I may pursue and also because I cannot see myself excelling in any sort of job like that.  I am also very surprised that I got allot of criminal and law results because again I have just never pictured myself being very into that or thriving to exceed in something like that.  I am interested in peoples feelings and their well being which would lead me to results like a councillor and a teacher but I am very good at persuading and compromising which may have lead my results to be faced towards law and government.  The occupation results that surprised me the least were results like fashion designer, athletic therapist and interior decorator because they have all been possible options and careers that I would truly enjoy doing.  I am not surprised because most of my favourite things are to do with sports, fashion and designing and all of those jobs are based around them.  Some interests that I have that may have generated them are sports, people’s feelings, medical assistance, fashion, modeling, houses and interior designing and decorating.  Some of the occupation choices that match the skills that I have now are professional athlete, fashion designer, interior decorator, lawyer and website designer.  And the skilled that are needed for those jobs to be considered are athleticism, good fashion taste, interest and skill is designing and decorating homes, being a good debater and persuader, being good with computers and finally, having an artistic touch. 

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