Thursday, December 2, 2010

SDI Personality and Motivation - #8

My SDI type is red/blue.  One way that my SDI motivation type expresses when I am in class, is when we are working in groups, since I am a mixture between the red type and the blue type, I am always concerned about getting the work done and I enjoy leading but I am also always worried about others feelings and opinions towards my ways.  One way that my SDI motivation type expresses when I am with my friends, is when we are having a group discussion of when we are trying to make a decision, I care about what everyone's opinions are aimed for, but I do not care enough that I take a long time to make the decision.  I like to make the decision quickly and I like to have a strong input but I am always open for ideas and I like making sure that everyone is pleased.  One way that my SDI motivation type expresses when I am at home, is when we are at the dinner table and we are debating about something, my whole family has very different opinions on things and therefore I try to make my point, but at the same time I do not want anyone to disagree with me so I stay in the middle and try to keep everyone happy.  I can use my personality strengths in high school because I am a fairly easy person to get along with and I like to give everyone an equal chance to gain my respect, but at the same time I like to get my point across and I do not want to be known as a pushover.  Most people will respect my ways that I follow and if they don't I will not be too bothered.  Sometimes I do overdue my personality and I either drift too far over to the blue side or I drift too far over to the red side.  If I drift over to the blue side, then I start to act as a pushover and never get anything accomplished because I am too worried about others feelings, but then again if I drift too far over to the red side then I start to act like a control freak and I want everything to go my way.  A career that will match my SDI would be something to do with team work and time limited because those are two things that I do extremely well and that I enjoy doing.  I think that something like a pediatrician which is one of my dream jobs would be a great career to match with my SDI because it involves team work and team decisions and most of it has to be completed in a certain amount of time and there must be lots of focus, skill and concentration involved.

Learning Skills - #7

My strongest learning skills are responsibility, collaboration and organization.  I use those strengths in school by taking initiative and always finishing my work on time.  I also use those strengths in school by making goals and following steps to achieve them, managing my time to make sure I attend my sports and to make sure that I finish my homework and finally, I use those strengths in my school life by taking responsibility for my own actions and behaviours.  I use my top strengths outside of school to manage my time to make sure that I spend it with friends, family and sports.  I have an extremely busy schedule so it is very important that my organization skills and responsibility skills are very high, because if they weren't then my life would be a lot more stress filled and a lot less enjoyable.  I also use my strengths outside of school to help my team mates work together to complete tasks on win the game.  I use my collaboration skills to make sure that I am always supportive for them and to make sure that I show respect to them along with my coaches.  Some skills that I want to further develop would be my self-regulation skills, my independent work skills and my initiative.  Three ideas of things that I could further do to develop those skills would be to make more realistic and achievable for myself in and out of school, work on seeking new opportunities to learn and finally, use instructions and time more effectively.